The Printable Pair 

Because sometimes your workday needs a boost

Advice, tips, and ideas to make your workday and home life more fun and fulfilled.


Manifest Your Dreams with Mantra Cards

Manifest Your Dreams with Mantra Cards

Unlock your potential with manifesting Manifesting is a powerful practice that allows you to align your thoughts, actions, and energy with your goals and desires. With manifestation, you can make your dreams a reality through the laws of attraction. While many people...

How to Set Goals and Achieve Them

How to Set Goals and Achieve Them

The Importance of Goal Setting When was the last time you actually kept your New Year's resolution? According to a US News Report, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. There’s a good reason for it.  New Year’s resolutions fail because we don’t treat them as...

How To Celebrate Employee Appreciation Day

How To Celebrate Employee Appreciation Day

When was the last time you felt appreciated at work? For many of us, the answer is: not recently enough. Employee appreciation can have a significant impact on productivity. That impact is so big, in fact, that as many as 40% of Americans say they would put more...

About Us

Nice to meet you! We’re twin sisters who live together, work together, and now, own an Etsy shop together. We’re here to make your work life easier and a little more fun.